Fall: The ‘F’ is for Food

The fall makes me want to cook. Wait…scratch that. It makes me want to eat and think about cooking. I get so snacky this time of year. But I’m in a strict ‘cook your own food and make mine too’ kind of place right now. Well, I don’t say it so mean, but you get my drift.

Fall MunchiesI don’t know why but chocolate and sweets and all things that fit in the Thanksgiving Dinner category hound me day and night to be tasted. I’m even known to strike a deal with hubby if he’ll get me yummy fall snacks.

Do you ever get the munchies around this time of year? I don’t know what it is that causes it but it can be a bit dangerous for the waistline for me. So I fight the urges. Some. Okay, not as much as I should.

What are your favorite snacks and meals in the fall?

2 thoughts on “Fall: The ‘F’ is for Food

  1. Hi Erin, Autumn is my favorite time of year, not only because the leaves change to vibrant colors of orange, red, gold, and yellow, but because it’s the time of year I make Pumpkin Rolls! They are me favorite autumn sweet to eat. Yummy, yummy!!! 🙂

    1. Awesome! Sounds like a great fall dessert.

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