The Public Eye: Good or Bad?

Today, my husband and I joined the gym. Yep. I broke down and did the one thing I didn’t think I’d ever do. Why you ask? Everyone wants to lose weight. No one is truly happy with who they are.

The answer is simple. Being in the Public Eye. If you’re going to pay the monthly fees, you’d have to commit to working out on a regular basis. And I don’t want anyone to see me sweat. You think I’m joking, but I’m not. I don’t care to be in the public eye much. You can imagine how that affects the car salesmen I had to become when I had my first book published.

This problem of shyness can have a devastating affect: i.e. don’t work out-gain weight, don’t get out there and sell your books- your platform is going to remain small.

It takes a lot of dedication and devotion to get the results we want. Whether it’s sticking to an exercise regimen or getting on the phone and setting up book signings, it’s important to press forward and tucker down till the work is done. Which means my shy side has to go.

The first attempt is the hardest. For those of us who are shy, it seems like an impossible task to get in the spotlight. How do you do it?

  1. Take it one step at a time- At my first book signing I couldn’t get out of my chair. I had to focus on looking each person in the eye and thanking them for coming as I signed their copies. By the third one I was able to walk around and talk to people to get them to come to my table. (My knees were knocking at this feat.)
  2. Set a goal- Maybe today you set yourself to task making just three phone calls to set up book signings, or thirty minutes on the treadmill.
  3. Make a checklist- It can help you focus, and it’ll give you the opportunity to see what you’ve accomplished as things get crossed off.
  4. Pray- It’s important to be in line with God’s will for us.

Whether I’m working out or preparing to do a book signing, I need to start with baby steps and work with a definite goal in mind. How about you? Are you ready to get in the public eye?

0 thoughts on “The Public Eye: Good or Bad?

  1. I am definitely in a battle with my shyness more often than not. I have my first book signing in a couple of weeks for an anthology that contains one of my short stories. Having other people there to share the spotlight will help, but I am already nervous.

  2. You'll be great. I'm so glad to hear you're doing a book signing. What's the name of your book? Can I buy it?

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