6 Rewards an Author Should Try

This has been a very productive writing week. I finally hankered down and got back to my latest manuscript. It’s so close to being finished. The exuberance of typing the last word is building already.
A celebration is just around the corner. How will I reward myself for finishing it after so many months of hard work? I’m tapping my chin in thought at this very moment.
You’re probably asking yourself why I need a reward? Shouldn’t the work be enough recompense?
The answer: Sometimes yes. But what about those tough days when it takes everything you’ve got to finish a project? Rewards help us push forward. Rewards sometimes even help us focus.
Writers should give themselves something when they accomplish a goal, and it can take little to no money to make it happen. Here are a few ideas:

  • Sleep in the next day.
  • Plan a day where you do nothing but read. This is hard when you have kids, but it is possible if you line things up right.
  • Go out to eat with a writing buddy at a place with a value menu. Cheap can be just as much fun as a ritzy place when you’re talking books while you eat.
  • Stash away your favorite sweet, and don’t touch it until your goal is accomplished.
  • Get your favorite author’s next book.
  • Stop at your favorite coffee house.

It can be something little or something big. But set it in advance so you have a tangible item or plan to look forward to. I rarely miss a goal when there’s something in it for me. Are you the same way? What are some things you do to reward yourself when you meet a goal? I’d love to know.

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